Welcoming Dance Resources

As an international organization committed to building, promoting and sustaining the beloved recreation of Modern Western Square Dancing and the art and craft of square dance calling, CALLERLAB has created this set of documents to help callers, organization leaders and dancers in providing and supporting a welcoming dance environment where all dancers can enjoy the activity in a safe, nurturing, secure, and pleasant atmosphere.  Achieving this goal will require the cooperation of all those involved in the dance activity.

Welcoming Dance Environment – Goals & Handbooks – Includes the CALLERLAB Handbook for Dancers & the CALLERLAB Handbook for Organization Leaders and Callers.

Welcoming Dance Environment – Guidelines for Dealing with Inappropriate Behavior


The Welcoming Dance Environment CALLERLAB Handbook for Organization Leaders and  Callers contains information about the following topics.

  • Definitions of Harassment and Other Inappropriate Behaviors
  • Enhancing Caller Awareness
  • Teaching Dancers about Appropriate Behavior

Please refer to the Welcoming Dance Environment CALLERLAB Handbook for Dancers for information about the following topics.

  • Appropriate Dancer Behavior
  • Defensive Dancing
  • Helping to Create a Safe, Secure, and Welcoming Environment

Please refer to the Welcoming Dance Environment Organization Guidelines for Dealing with Inappropriate Behavior for a draft Club or Organization Policy with specific information about the following topics.

  • When and How to Make a Report
  • Guidelines for Taking a Report and Addressing a Complaint
  • Inappropriate Behavior Complaint Form